Rather late entry, Keso de Bola, served during Noche Buena... For more of YUMMY SUNDAY, visit Perfectly Blended...

Do you believe that words just get into your mind every-3'oclock in the morning?...well,enjoy browsing and discover my train of thoughts on anything that comes to my mind. *SALAM*
Ohlala.. I got tons of Awards from Ate Dharlz.. Thank You so much dearest…
Now I am passing this award to all those who want to grab these lovely awards.
Maam Eleanor,I'm forwarding to you Ms: Denise Mordeno Aguilar's Cebu Pacific e-ticket.Thank you and we look forward to serve you again.Orient Travel Assistant,AizaOrient Global Travel & Tours
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This post is simply something we all can do to support the cause. Breast Cancer has touch all of us. Be it a relative, friend or co-worker or acquaintance.
A lot of attention and focus, of course, is towards women. However, men are also stricken with this horrible disease.
I lost my aunt in 1996 to Breast Cancer. She suffered for years, alone, with "the secret". She did not tell anyone, family or friends. Only her doctor. You would have to have known my Auntie, to truly understand. She had her own way of doing things. We no longer have to live with "the secret" and lives are being saved. This is my way of honoring her memory.
Mary Edmond Taylor
Lexington, Kentucky
1913 - 1996
Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.
Ann Robinson Wright
Cause Creator
Buddy Gancenia: Grand Prize Winner 1st Sony Wedding Video Competition from Reality Wedding Video on Vimeo.