When planning for a wedding, every bride and groom should never take for granted the most important part of all---documentation. Documentation for weddings is crucial because it will not only be viewed a day after. or a week after, or a month or a year after, but perhaps even after the couple have reached retirement age and grandchildren abound... That's why, it should be well prepared, properly sequenced or a good story line should be provided, should the couple reach the point of senility or Alzheimer's attack... So it is best to ask around if you do not know anyone to do the documentation for you. As for me, my friends suggested a very good weeding videographer that answers to the name of Buddy Gancenia.
Buddy Gancenia is a corporate, events, and wedding videographer who is able to offer wedding videography services in reality wedding video style. I am sure that if you have him during your most special day, it will be the biggest wedding video in the Philippines. With that fact alone, what bride wouldn't think of hiring Buddy to do her dramatic videography, with matching prenuptial takes and post wedding shots that would make her dream video for wedding truly a shining moment in her life....
For the brides to be, including myself, I know that we all share this sentiment of capturing the moment as it is the essence that will bind us to the commitment that we pledged on our wedding day. By that, I mean that with all the videos and pictures to document the bond, not to mention the legal and binding document that holds both the husband and the wife to the duties of their roles in this new partnership, along with their commitment to their children and the family that they will soon have, such documentation can even be used as evidence should something or someone would ruin or would try to break the bond. Ahh.. What am I saying here.. Wedding jitters?? hehehe...
Anyway, all I know is that, all my friends here in Manila recommends Buddy because he has already made his mark and his videos prove to be very good. To give you an example, I would like to show you the video below:
Buddy Gancenia is a corporate, events, and wedding videographer who is able to offer wedding videography services in reality wedding video style. I am sure that if you have him during your most special day, it will be the biggest wedding video in the Philippines. With that fact alone, what bride wouldn't think of hiring Buddy to do her dramatic videography, with matching prenuptial takes and post wedding shots that would make her dream video for wedding truly a shining moment in her life....
For the brides to be, including myself, I know that we all share this sentiment of capturing the moment as it is the essence that will bind us to the commitment that we pledged on our wedding day. By that, I mean that with all the videos and pictures to document the bond, not to mention the legal and binding document that holds both the husband and the wife to the duties of their roles in this new partnership, along with their commitment to their children and the family that they will soon have, such documentation can even be used as evidence should something or someone would ruin or would try to break the bond. Ahh.. What am I saying here.. Wedding jitters?? hehehe...
Anyway, all I know is that, all my friends here in Manila recommends Buddy because he has already made his mark and his videos prove to be very good. To give you an example, I would like to show you the video below:
Buddy Gancenia: Grand Prize Winner 1st Sony Wedding Video Competition from Reality Wedding Video on Vimeo.
Now, I hope you do not look for any other wedding videographer in the Philippines because Buddy is and will always be the man for the job...

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